What Should I Look for in a Sober Living Home?
Qualities to Look for when You’re Choosing a Sober Living Home
If you’re in the beginning stages of recovery from addiction, the prospect of returning to “normal” life can be frightening. It’s a big adjustment, so you should consider looking for a sober living home that can help you transition from a residential treatment program to your home environment.
A sober living home San Diego is similar to a residential program in that you’ll be living among other people who are recovering from addiction, but you’ll have greater freedom and independence. However, there will be rules you must follow in order to keep your behaviour aligned with the goal of recovery.
If you think a sober living home might be the right choice for you, it’s essential to make sure the home you choose has qualities and features that will most effectively support your successful recovery. As you explore your options for a sober living home, keep the following important considerations in mind.
How Far Is the Sober Living Home from Your Hometown?
It may be crucial for you to choose a home where you’ll be close to your support network. This could include friends, family, the locations of your 12-step meetings and therapy sessions, and other resources you’ll need to maintain a strong foundation while you’re in recovery.
How Many Residents Live in the Sober Living House?
High-quality sober living homes usually have a low ratio of residents to staff members. This supports a safer, more comfortable, and better organized living environment for residents.
What Is the Average Sober Time of the Current Residents?
This is an important consideration because ideally, the residents of a sober living home have similar expectations and goals for recovery. All residents who live in sober living homes should be in active recovery from substance use disorders, and being drug- and alcohol-free is one of the primary requirements.
Are the Residents Drug Tested, and if So, How Often?
The primary purpose of a sober living in San Diego is to help residents prevent relapse and learn how to live their everyday lives without alcohol or drugs, so any home you’re considering needs to support this purpose by requiring total abstinence. If you’re looking for a sober